Thursday, March 20, 2014

Paras Khadka Profile

Standing over 6 feet in height, captain of the national senior cricket squad, Paras Khadka is a popular face in the Nepali sports industry. Having captained junior cricket teams in international arenas, he also plays basketball for South Sider’s. Talented both on and off the field, he posses great conversing skills and calls himself reliable and trustworthy. Read on to know more about this amiable hunk…

Captain of National Senior Cricket Team, Nepal- Paras Khadka
Captain of National Senior Cricket Team, Nepal- Paras Khadka
Name: Paras Khadka
Nickname: Cricketers call me Bhane. At home it’s Paru.
Status: Fit and healthy!
Age: 23
Height: 6”1
Profession: Student/player/teacher (I try to be a better person everyday)
Weakness: F & F (family and food)
Strength: Support of the ones who love me; my conversational skills.
Number of girls you’ve dated: The number you have tried to call is busy. Please try again later!
Fetish: Caps!
Achievements: Representing my country at international arenas has been the biggest achievement so far.

Answer the following in one sentence:

Love: Is mandatory for all.
Sex: Definitely male.
Money: It can buy happiness but with the right dose.
Career: Everyone must realize what they are good at and go for it.
Friends: The brightest and craziest elements in my life.
Enemies: All the best!
Fashion: A must with your own touch and understanding.
Facebook: Communication and a part of life these days. It’s all about reading those interesting status updates!
Your choice:

Cricket or Basketball: Cricket during season and basketball during off season.
Shoes or Watches: Shoes.
Shopping or Holidaying: Nothing beats shopping during holidays.
English or Hindi movies: Any, if the content is good.
Formals or Casuals: Casuals, with a touch of formality!
Binod Das or Amir Akhtar: Both of them are equally good.
Politicians or Businesspeople: Business people always. Politicians have to be filtered in our country.
Beauty or Intelligence: Of course beauty! I can try and install intelligence but beauty comes naturally.
A boy’s night out or candle-lit dinner: Boy’s Night Out. After all, boys will be boys!
Summers or Winters: I love winters but last winter was really cold. (Brrrrrr..)
News or Hindi soaps: News.


Most embarrassing moment: Can’t think of any right now.
Proudest moment: Yet to come! I wanna do bigger, brighter and better things.
First crush: Preity Zinta and in school we had groups favoring her over Aishwarya Rai!
First girlfriend: She must be reading it right now.
First kiss: Of course my parents!
Biggest splurge: Cricket equipments are quite expensive and I have to upgrade them from time to time.
Current ring tone: My phone is always on silent mode!
Favorite channel: Star World and all other sports channels.
Favorite Show: The Simpsons, That 70’s Show and of late, The Modern Family.
Favorite shopping spot: Dubai, Kuala Lampur and House of Fashion in Sri Lanka.
Dream holiday getaway: The Guernsey Islands in the U.K. I heard it’s serene out there.
Your fashion icon: Anyone who picks up the right chord fascinates me.
Favorite brand: I ain’t no brand person. It just has to suit me.
Favorite musician: Narayan Gopal, Linkin Park, Coldplay and Eminem.
Favorite perfume: Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue and Escada.
Magazines that you flip through: Anything that I come across.

One thing that you don’t have but wish you did: Visa to travel to any country!
If you weren’t a sportsperson, you would be: An architectural engineer, for sure.
The best thing about being a man is: Lady Gaga won’t interfere in men’s’ fashion because no one and nothing can beat her.
One thing that you like the most about yourself: You can trust me.
While I was growing up, I always got teased about my: wearing my pants high up during school days.
The most favorite part of your body is: Right now, ‘these fingers’ with which I’m typing about what’s processing through my head.
Paras Khadka is: Simply sophisticated, a sports enthusiast and entertaining!

From: Navyaata Magazine, the real experience

1 comment:

  1. this is great guy from NEPAL.. WE LOVE YOU PARAS DAI..


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